Must-Have FREE Resources for Magicians

The internet is vast and packed with amazing free resources, and the magic industry is no exception.
I'm sharing some incredible resources that will help you, just as they have helped me and thousands of magicians worldwide.
Magic Week: If you haven't visited this website yet, it is vast. It houses over a thousand articles in its archive, including news, reviews, interviews, classifieds, and more. The entire website is archived, so you can access all the previous articles. It chronicles the history of magic, running right up to the year 2000.
Learn the Classics: By clicking HERE, you'll be linked to Tarbell's Course in Magic, a classic with hundreds of incredible routines. It's available for free due to digital archiving laws, its historical significance, and educational value. Note that is hosting this for free. is a free members' forum in the UK, featuring a large selection of threads and a super friendly community!
The Magic Cafe: For some, this is an essential magic community forum. Their forums are extensive, providing every niche for magicians from the latest trends to historical styles of magic and around one hundred other topics.
The digital age brings these resources to you with a snap of the fingers, which brings us to YouTube. I don’t personally agree with magic exposure for the sake of exposure. I believe in sharing with purpose and inspiring others. If magicians have created magic to share with their peers, then what’s not to like?
Some amazing YouTube channels that share an array of magic and are well worthy of any magician's time are:
- Lloyd Barnes: Lloyd's magic creations are fantastic, and he shares a plethora of performable and workable magic.
- Magic TV: Craig Petty has built up an amazing resource of magic, including reviews, interviews, personal opinions, and so much more. And what’s more, if you prefer to simply listen, then give Craig’s podcast a listen.
- Jack Rhodes: If you enjoy watching YouTube, then the ultimate YouTube channel for magic (in my opinion) is without a doubt the incredible Jack Rhodes. The link I have shared sends you directly to my favorite magic video ever!
- My YouTube: It’s not bad :) check it out. I share a lot of my magic creations.
The Conjurers Archive is a comprehensive database of magic literature that allows users to search for magic tricks and routines by various criteria. It's a valuable resource for research and finding inspiration.